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Our Insights & Tech Stories

Understand modern technology better and get the most out of your software development endeavors with our mix of articles, trends recaps, expert tips, and industry insights.

IoT, AI and automation

IoT, AI, and Automation Tidbits

Find inside Digest: API-based automation, using AI for disaster response, MQTT for IIoT Apps, intelligent app resource management, NB-IoT, establishing the root of trust, emerging IoT domains, etc.

hyper automation

The Hyperautomation Takeover – Beyond RPA

This article addresses Hyperautomation, provides an overview of the most in-demand technologies that will be driving Hyperautomation in the months to come, and busts the myth that Hyperautomation will make the human factor obsolete.

usinf ML for autonomous vehicle solutions

How Machine Learning Is Used In Autonomous Vehicles

This article looks at certain use cases to better understand how machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) technologies are used to build advanced systems for different levels of vehicle automation.