Close this search box. Obtains Research Tax Credit (l'agrément CIR) for French Customers

and Gets Official Accreditation as an R&D Supplier in France reinforces its position as an Innovation & R&D Supplier in France by receiving a Research Tax Credit (l'agrément pour le crédit d'impôt recherche (CIR)) accreditation, following CII (l'agrément pour le crédit innovation) accreditation.

CIR provides R&D support for companies of all sizes and sectors, be it a high-tech startup or a large corporation opening a research and development center in France.

CIR covers applied research, basic research, and experimental software development. It acts as a deduction of tax due for the current fiscal year and for the period when the research was carried out.  The Research Tax Credit allows funding for innovation as well as patent protection for inventions.

The CIR rate depends on the amount invested:


  • 30% on R&D expenditures up to €100 million for innovation project

  • 20% for innovation activities of up to €400,000 (for SMEs)

  • For expenses exceeding the €100 million threshold, the deduction rate is 5%.

Who can benefit from CIR?

Any industrial, commercial, and agricultural enterprise, regardless of its legal status, that is based in France and is subject to corporate or income tax in the BIC category and is taxed on the basis of its actual profit.

What R&D expenses qualify as CIR?

  • Tech staff
  • Operating expenses
  • Outsourced R&D expenses
  • Depreciation costs, etc


Our existing and future French customers that develop their R&D projects with are eligible to apply to Research Tax Credit and get up to 30% of their expenses reimbursed by the French government.

In 2021, we obtained Innovation Tax Credit (l’agrément CII) allowing French businesses to get up to 20% of their software development expenses reimbursed.

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Let’s talk.